These are just a few of the reflections of people who have become a part of The Rice Experience family committed to making a difference. We hope you will join us in connecting to humanity and opening our hearts boldly.

“I want to help others that think they are worthless—because I know that they aren’t. I want to break down all the walls that mankind has put up."

“This really put things into perspective. I now understand the true tragedy of genocide and hate. I want to do my part to make a difference and encourage others. This has motivated me to end the hate I see.”

“I will push forward and be a good example, use my pain for good. Everything I have learned has made me want to strive to help others. I will stand up for others that cannot do it themselves; I can be one…the one that helps.”

"What will I do? Accept People for who they are!"

"I will make at least one person feel loved every day."

"NO more sitting around waiting for someone else to be the change."

"I knew about genocide, but I have not done anything. I am sorry. I will be the voice."

"I'm going to put the past behind me and focus on the new beginnings."

"I will start over with people despite or past, Forget the hate. I will love unconditionally."

"I will not stand by and watch someone struggle while I could make a difference in their lives."

"I will stop judging because that is where the hate starts. I have to start somewhere, and I'm going to start here!"

"My sphere of influence will be one of love and kindness."

"Even if it's just a few people, I will talk to those who seem alone and might not have many friends."

"Ignore hate, promote peace."

"For all my brothers and sisters, those before me and those to come after...this is for you, my life, my grain of rice, this, all of for you."

"I find encouragement in knowing that I have power, power to change, power to make a difference."

"We tend to see ourselves as important and think only of ourselves that we fail to see how small we truly are. I am only one grain. The only significance I have is the way in which I impact others."

"I am only one grain of rice. I am important just like every other grain of rice I saw quickly fall on the floor. I want people to know that they are not alone. Our generation is coming."

"My grain of rice will belong to Doctors Without Borders."


  Interested in hosting The Rice Experience? We have many options to make this presentation perfect for your group and would love to partner with you! 

              Contact  Heidi Rickard - 719.229.1687  -