Let the Adventure Begin!

As Spring is handing its reins over to Summer, we at The Authenticity Project are feeling nourished and filled with anticipation to launch into the adventures that are starting to beckon our souls like the warm breeze that begins to punctuate our days. Spring is a time where the dead yellow grass begins to transform into a vibrant abundance of beautiful growth. Through persistent and intentional sowing, planting, nourishing, and cultivating of our hearts and souls, we can now trust this new growth that is slowly developing deep roots anchored to courage, goodness, and hope.

​Image found here. 

​Image found here

Throughout the month of May we will be dreaming, launching, and following the little and big adventures calling us to view the world from a lens of possibility, wonder, and whimsy. The possibility that this world can look different and be a place where we each know our intrinsic value, and in turn, love others and ourselves enough to step out and try the impossible. As Bob Goff said: “Living a life fully engaged and full of whimsy and the kind of things that love does is something most people plan to do, but along the way they just kind of forget. Their dreams become one of those ‘we'll go there next time’ deferrals. The sad thing is, for many there is no ‘next time’ because passing on the chance to cross over is an overall attitude toward life rather than a single decision.”

This May and glorious summer season let’s take steps together towards living a life fully engaged and bursting with whimsy and wonder. Will you step out and listen to the little and big adventures beckoning your soul?

Stephanie Zeller is the Community Director for The Authenticity Project, you can contact Steph at TheAuthenticityProject@gmail.com.