Always Adventure?

While adventure is thrilling and exciting and a roller-coaster of new experiences, the reality is not every single moment of every single day is going to feel like you are on a grand adventure. Even if you have stepped out and taken that risk – that rocky road less traveled – there will still be challenges. I was reading a blog that touched on “Ordinary Time” (and while the author was referencing that phrase in a religious sense) it was something I think everyone can relate to: “’As soon as…’ becomes our mantra, our means of injecting hope into our lives, and the result is that we spend most of our days in anticipation of living rather than actually living.”

We are so consumed with the ‘next step’, the ‘new adventure’ that we become side-tracked and all of a sudden the “ordinary days” become “less than”.  Just check your Facebook feed where many tout the awesome adventures they are on and even some talented friends can make the simple routines seem extraordinary with witty words and 70’s tinted photos. And soon our ordinary days seem paler, less-worthy in some way.

But an adventure is not limited to physically going somewhere.

And adventure is looking around – really looking – at your loved ones, your friends, and yourself. Perhaps the great adventure waiting for you isn’t a backpacking trip through Europe; it is simply learning how to love each aspect of yourself on ordinary days. Learning to find the extraordinary in the ordinary routine by recognizing and loving the great adventure it is just to be alive. To live and learn and embrace those big adventures when they present themselves, but also to realize that right now you are living the best adventure: your life.

 -Jennifer Anderson is Content Director of The Authenticity Project, you can contact Jennifer at

