On the Eve of Something New

As 2013 looms quite close it seems we are presented with a clean slate. The new year. After reflecting on last year, there is hope for new adventures, hope for better news, or better opportunities. Or perhaps, hope for as many blessings as this year brought in. Either way, most face the turning of a year with eagerness; yearning for something new. 

Resolutions tend to be our way of stating what this next year will bring us (less coffee…or less cupcakes…or more time with family…or a new job). All worthy goals, but many don’t round the curve of March let alone make the next year fabulous. Life gets in the way, things change, the unexpected happens and before you know it you are look to the next year…hoping that one will be better than the current.

My challenge to you this New Year’s Eve is to think about and embrace a word for your next year. A word that embodies what your resolutions are, what you hope 2013 will be about.

A few examples to get those wheels turning:

If your resolution is to get in better shape, lose those x amount of pounds, etc. Perhaps your word should be Health. That not only encompasses your workout routine, extra serving of vegetables, but also the health of your relationships. The health of your mind and soul – with health in mind make decisions that allow you to take care of yourself (perhaps grab a journal to work through your thoughts and dreams) and to heal friendships that were once broken. Let go of ties that feed nothing but toxicity to your soul. You get the idea, health as the thesis to your 2013 essay. 

Some other worthy words that keep coming to my attention include: compassion, family, courage, authenticity.

My word for 2013 is grateful. I want the encounters and moments I have this next year to be seeped in gratefulness, taking note of the blessings small and large. I have no doubt next year will bring challenge, disappointment, and sorrow for that is the world we live in. But through the lens of gratefulness I hope to see the small blessings in the midst of those moments. A stunning sunrise, a shoulder to cry on, a cup of tea even if the conversation is heavy.

So when a word sparks your soul think about it as your “New Year’s Resolution”, your first word on a clean slate. What will it be? And please share with us at The Authenticity Project – we’d love to cheer you on! 

-Jennifer Anderson is Content Director of The Authenticity Project, you can contact Jennifer at TheAuthenticityProject@gmail.com
