Ceramic Cats


This month at The Authenticity Project our theme is “New Beginnings” which, for us, is packed with meaning. We have been working hard at finding ways to communicate how important it is for us as a culture and society to live from our hearts and follow our dreams - no matter how crazy it may seem to others - we have found that there is huge number of people out there who are ready to take the leap and live authentic lives. As we head into the New Year, we have some exciting things planned to get the message out there and hear stories of change from folks all over the world. Our hope is that we can come along side all those adventurous pioneers of change and help in any way we can. We love stories, we collect them like old ladies collect ceramic cats, and we have compiled quite the assortment of tales (no ‘sort of’ pun intended). But we need more!

As we prepare to spend the year planning and implementing retreats, trips, speaking engagements, and workshops we want to share what you have been up to also.

What are some stories from your life that would inspire or encourage others? What have you seen or experienced in your communities that need to be shared with a wider audience?

We are at a major crossroads in our society today; all you have to do is turn on the TV or visit a news website to see all the pain and suffering in the world. Unfortunately, what tends to happen when these events take place is a number of talking heads sitting behind desks facilitating agenda-driven dialogue that does little more than drive a wedge between ideologies. We believe that the time has come to put aside these differences and get busy making positive change through love and action. We are all capable of so much more than simply sharing our opinions. We can make the world a better place and it often takes little more than a smile, a hug or, a heart-felt moment of listening to the struggles of someone else.

So, again, as we dive headfirst into 2013 we are hoping that the New Beginnings you are focusing on go a little further than simply taking off a couple pounds, or reading more, but also moving where we can all spend some time listening, loving, and sharing ourselves a bit more.

Please share…

• What are some stories from your life that would inspire or encourage others?

• What have you seen or experienced in your communities that need to be shared with a wider audience?

• What are some things this year that you are looking to change about yourself and how you interact with others?

We look forward to hearing from you and learning about the things that move and inspire you!

Visit us on Facebook or email your stories to theauthenticityproject@gmail.com, Subject: My New Beginning!

Erik Ewing is the Program Director for The Authenticity Project, you can contact Erik at TheAuthenticityProject@gmail.com.